Fields in Artificial Intelligence are being exploited with advancements in technology and research being carried along areas like healthcare, autonomous vehicles and Internet-of-Things, among others. There are plenty of paper focusing on artificial research topics that are published annually and are increasing as publications keep growing. You will encounter many artificial intelligence research questions that you can tackle in your thesis while building your understanding in the field. Here are some of the artificial intelligence research topics that can help you decide how to write your thesis.

  1. Machine learning

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence focused on making machines capable of learning tasks from experience without having to program them to perform the task over and over again. Data and different algorithms are used to build other machine learning models to automate tasks. You will need to look into supervised machine learning, reinforcement machine learning and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

  1. Reinforcement learning

It is a form of artificial intelligence where machines are capable of learning the way humans learn. With reinforcement learning, machines will conduct the action that follows after behavior learning based on the current state and maximize reward.

  1. Robotics

The creation of humanoid machines behaving similarly to human beings and can perform actions like humans is the basis of robotics. It is one among the most attractive artificial intelligence research topics that you could find interesting for your thesis. The idea is to make robots act intelligently like humans, solve problems and be capable of learning in a controlled environment.

  1. Natural language processing

Natural language processing in artificial intelligence is about machines conversing the way humans use speech to communicate with one another. Currently, a machine can talk back to you as they have been made to analyze and decipher language and speech.  Sub-parts of natural language processing such as speech recognition, natural language translation generation are popular and can be explored as you develop your thesis.

  1. Deep learning

Deep learning in artificial intelligence works with artificial neural networks to make possible machine learning. It is a subset of machine learning involving a machine imitating the workings of the human brain then processing data and executing decisions based on provided data. Data can be processed using a non-linear approach that is advantageous compared to the traditional algorithms.

  1. Computer vision

The Internet makes it easier to take pictures and share them with millions of people around the planet. Images are uploaded in masses on the Internet on a daily basis, and views are accumulated over a short time. For easy understanding of images and viewing, computer vision is essential to extract information from the images.

  1. Internet-of-Things

The Internet-of-Things has made it easy for the collection and exchange of data between network devices connected over the Internet. Devices in a network can collect vast data that can be turned into actionable results. Using the artificial intelligence algorithms, data can be converted into actionable results implemented by Internet-of-Thing’s devices.

  1. Recommender systems

Such systems make work easier for you especially browsing history and past choices you made like when using Netflix to watch movies and series. They guide what to choose next from online options. The content-based recommendation analyzes the content of items on the Internet. In contrast, collaborative filtering analyzes your past reading or watching behavior then recommends a book or video based on the pattern.


Many artificial intelligence research topics have not been covered here, but you may know about them. Deciding on the coverage of your thesis when focusing on artificial intelligence needs you to identify the field you love most and channel your effort and energy in research work. Through intelligent research, you can decide on your topic of choice from your artificial intelligence research topics list.